The geniuses over at Grooveshark have made it possible for the review of Emmy The Great's debut album First Love, to be the complete album review it should be. For the first time on Living With Music... the entire album is available for you to listen to in the colorful widget below this article.
No longer limited by what is available on other websites, we are now able to share this album with you straight from our i-tunes library! It's a good thing too, because First Love is quite possibly the best debut album of 2009. Emmy The Great (London via Hong Kong singer, Emma-Lee Moss), deconstructs everything from Jesus to abortion with a sweet flowing sound that doesn't at all succeed in masking the giant lump choking her throat as she sings her stories. Most likely, it's not supposed to. As you make your way through her album... the pretty banjo, violin, and piano (among other instruments), serve more to wrap up all of life's heartache in the beauty that overrides all we go through and that delivers the hope that we all must cling to in order to survive, than to make you feel good about the events in the songs.
The use of complex lyrics and tangible meaning behind the stories told by Emmy The Great, are probably what has kept this album from becoming a top 40 pop sensation. An industry obsessed with the mechanical and superficial, doesn't really have room for the type of presentation that exists on First Love. A serious album that wrestles with a young girl's first pregnancy and questionable experiences with religion and does so with power and grace, just doesn't fit the mold of most local radio stations. Since the entire album is here for you to listen to... it doesn't really need to.
Press play below (if you haven't already), and walk the streets, cross the hallways, and stroll through the parks in all 17 tracks of Emmy The Great's triumphant debut release. In First Love, you will learn another person.
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